welcome to Ghoneim factory.
"Welcorne to Gl1011ei111 Far111la11d, where Nanrre is the pri rnary"
"source for healthy, nutrients-filled products. A farnily owned business that extends over a century now."
"Our journey started w i th the late Haj Abdel !-fa111id Ghoneim opening h is first shop to sell all natural, pure milk collected straight from fanns in/around Alexandria in 1900."
"The sn1all shop, in the core of Alexandria, soon gained a high reputation for distinguished milk, inspiring the second generation to start 1nanufacn1ring some of the best traditional chee-ses for wholesale includ ing: Rumi , Double Crean1, sen1i bard and Istanbully Cheese. All rnade fron1pasteurized, full crearn milk, and proud ly carrying the dear Gllo11ei111 Trade Mark."
"With the third generation joining, the finely, ha nd-crafted"
"products, found thei.r way to the end-user both across the Egyptian and international markets. In Menofeiah, a well kno\v source of the finest quality milk, a \Vhole ne\V factory with ne\\• universal producti on lines, is no\v producing a ne\v range of products including Mozzarella and Blue Cheese."
We proudly aligned our ancestors rich experience with
"scienti fic 1nethods and internationa l standards of food safety and got awarded with the ISO 22000 & HACCP for all our products. Realizing how di fficu lt it is to find only natural, hormone-free pure milk to use for all our products nowadays, having our own fann was the only solution."
"No,v, all ou.r dairy products are proud ly 01ade fro1n 01ilk produced in our own I partnered farms where cat1le are only fed on grass, wh ich inspired us to expand our un ique line of products to i nclude rneats."
"We finnly bel ieve that going back to Nature is the smartest choice whenever heal thy body and rn ind are concerned.So, in Gl1011ei111 Far111la111i, animals that provide the meat are raised on pasture, freely rnoving i n open air \Vi th a diet that is I 00°/o grass fed.A con1bination that i s rare to find elsewhere."
"Our selected, ind ividually packaged products incl ude a variety"
"of new choices that is rarely found in the Egyptian M eat Market. We commit to raising and producing pren1iun1qua l ity beef,"
"caring for our anirnals to the best of our ability, and to providing our customers with a great product and top quality customer"
service at compet itive pricing.